81 Thank you for calling upon me again, Princess. Thank you for summoning me again, Princess. 106 What do you mean, "Thank you, Rico."?! I'm not letting Rico have all the fun! *literal translation, just about the hugging* 117 I was only gone for a bit. As promised, I came back as soon as possible. *more close to the TL. afterwards, it was changed to I promised you that I'd return!* 121 It looks like Lady Rebecca is awake. It looks like Lady Rebecca has awoken. *sounds more like a perfect tense to me* 126 I really wanted you to see this. I really wanted to take you to this place. *literally.* 165 The sun is high today, The sun shines bright today, *alternative wording* 173 From Galette, we have the Head Knight, General Bernard. From Galette, we have the leader of the Knights, General Bernard. 179 Finally, we have the leader of the covert squad, Lord d'Arquien! Finally, we have the head of the covert squad, Lord d'Arquien! *fixed the namings* 185 The Hero, today's star, will be arriving shortly. The Hero of Biscotti, today's star, will be arriving shortly. *there will be more heroes from now on* 189 Dear knights, warriors, and audience! Dear battling knights, warriors, and all other participants! *it's about the people on the battlefield* 320 I like her! I like her style! *This line nuances that she sees something in her* ====SIGNS==== [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2012.07.08_04.08.09] *this is a calendar using their stupid glyphs I can't read* [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_01.38_[2012.07.08_04.08.12] *again, seems like ancient glyphs* [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_03.50_[2012.07.08_04.08.57] 同日 PM11:09 地球/英国シティー・ オプ・口ンドン 11:09 PM the same day Earth / England, the City of London {lit. Britain/United Kingdom} Dog Days' - 01 720 AAC.mkv_snapshot_03.28_[2012.07.09_21.12.03] 2011年7月22日 AM07:05 地球/日本 紀乃川市 鴇野町 07:05AM, July 22nd, 2011 Earth / Japan, Kinokawa City, Tokino Street Dog Days' - 01 720 AAC.mkv_snapshot_03.40_[2012.07.09_21.23.59] 紀乃川インターナショナルスクール中等部2年 レベッカ・アンダーソン (シンクの幼馴染) Kinokawa International School Second Year Middle Schooler Rebecca Anderson (Cinque's childhood friend) [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_03.58_[2012.07.08_04.09.02] 「アイアンアスレチック」 昨年度優勝選手 高槻 七海 ロンドン在住 シンクのいとこ Last year's victor of the "Iron Athletics" championship Nanami Takatsuki Living in London, Cinque's cousin [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_12.15_[2012.07.08_04.10.38] ガレット獅子団将軍 騎士団長 バナード・サブラージュ General of the Galette Lion Army Leader of the Knights Bernard Sabrage [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_12.19_[2012.07.08_04.10.44] ガレット獅子団近衛隊長 ビオレ・アマレット Captain of Galette Lion Army's Imperial Guard Violle Amaret [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_12.25_[2012.07.08_04.10.47] ビスコッティ騎士団 騎士団長 ロラン・マルティノッジ Knight of Biscotti Leader of the Knights Rolan Martinozzi [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_12.27_[2012.07.08_04.10.51] ビスコッティ騎士団 隠密隊頭領 ブリオッシュ・ダルキアン Knight of Biscotti Head of the Onmitsu Squad {Secret Squad} Brioche d'Arquien [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_13.25_[2012.07.08_04.11.11] ガレット獅子団 ガウル直属親衛隊 「ジェノワーズ」 重装戦士 ジョーヌ・クラフティ Galette Lion Army, Gaul's Personal Bodyguards Génoise's Heavy Warrior Jaune Clafoutis [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_13.30_[2012.07.08_04.11.18] ガレット獅子団 ガウル直属親衛隊 「ジェノワーズ」 軽装戦士 ノワール・ヴィノカカオ Galette Lion Army, Gaul's Personal Bodyguards Génoise's Light Warrior Noir Vinocacao [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_13.35_[2012.07.08_04.11.30] ガレット獅子団 ガウル直属親衛隊 「ジェノワーズ」 弓術士 ベール・ファーブルトン Galette Lion Army, Gaul's Personal Bodyguards Génoise's Archer Vert Far Breton [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_20.42_[2012.07.08_04.12.59] パスティヤージュ公国 エッシェンバッハ城 Principality of Pastillage Castle Eschenbach [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_21.01_[2012.07.08_04.13.05]] パスティヤージュ公国 第一公女 エッシェンバッハ領 領主 クーベル・E・パスティヤージュ The First Princess of the Principality of Pastillage Feudal Lord of Eschenbach Couver E. Pastillage [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_21.04_[2012.07.08_04.13.10] パスティヤージュ晶術騎士団 キャラウェイ・リスレ Order of the Crystaltech Knights Caraway Risler [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2012.07.08_04.13.36] 「勇者見参!」 #Episode 01: 「The Hero Arrives!」 [Doki] Dog Days' - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [].mkv_snapshot_23.56_[2012.07.08_04.13.41] 「パスティヤージュ参戦!」 #Episode 02: 「Pastillage joins the fight!」